Above was the Luxury Pink Vaio laptop (VGN-CR11GH/P) i found this promotion at The Mall Gadong.fuhuuu...i like this laptop, its metalic pink but i think the usb optical mouse and the carrying case which also in pink colour not free if we buy the Vaio pink laptop. There's additional charger. But i hope one day, i really wanted this kind of laptop.Its make me crazy, i like the colour..
Friday, August 31, 2007
~ Luxury Pink Vaio ~
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
5:09 PM
Thursday, August 30, 2007
~ visual sharpness: find the man ~
Can you find the man on above picture? Let's get your brain to work.
Can you find the man in the picture in 3 second?
According to mdeical research:
If you find it in less than 3 second, your brain is developed above the normal brain.
If you find it in a minute, you have a normal develop brain.
If you find it between 1 and 3 minutes, your brain is responding slowly. Protein in-take might help.
If it takes you more than 3 minutes, your brain is responding to slow and perhaps more exercises like this might help you to develop that part of your brain.
Its is not a joke, the man is really there!!
**try this if you can hehe..
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
5:32 PM
Labels: email
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
~ Bugatti Veyron ( World's Most Expensive Car) ~
Bugatti Car-"Welcome o a very special world-the world of Bugatti", do you know this car? This is the world most expensive car. I hope i can get one wuhahaha just joke. I get this from my mail.So any one who really like to see more picture on this car, can go the Bugatti Car homepage.
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
5:18 PM
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
~ wrong number ~
Please consider the enviroment before printing this email
"Hi honey, this is Daddy...is your Mummy near the phone?"
"No Daddy, she's upstairs in the bedroom with Uncle Frank,"
After a brief pause Daddy says,
"But you haven't got an Uncle Frank, honey!"
"Oh Yes I do, and he's upstairs in the bedroom with Mummy, right now!"
"Uh Okay then......here's what I want you do. Put down the phone, run upstairs and knock on the bedroom door and shout to Mommy and Uncle Frank that Daddy's car just
pulled up outside the house."
"Okay Daddy!"
A few minutes later the little girl comes back to the phone.
Well I did what you said, Daddy."
"And what happened?" he asks.
"Well, Mommy got all scared, jumped out of bed with no clothes on and ran around screaming, then she tripped over the rug and went flying out the front window and now she's all dead."
"Oh my God!!!!! And what about your Uncle Frank?"
"He jumped out of bed with no clothes on too and he was all scared and he jumped out the back window into the swimming pool..... but he must have forgot that last week
you took out all the water to clean it, so he hit the bottom of the
swimming pool and now he's all real dead too."
*** long pause ***
Then Daddy says, "Swimming pool????
Is this 555-7039?
"No! This is 555-7093" the little girl said.
"Oooooppppssss. ...sorry wrong number!"
**Credit to whom email to me..
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
5:20 PM
Labels: email
Monday, August 27, 2007
~ Release ur tension / stress ~
Today we just watch my favourite video on Pixar.Even its old cartoon but I looooveee dis cartoon hehe its make less stress or tension even at work. Try to watch its especially on the birds very funny.Have fun everyone..
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
4:44 PM
Friday, August 24, 2007
~ our new car in 2020 ~
Now we got a new future car for year 2020 hehe just joke.I receive this email from one of my fren, just look at the video.If we have this kind of car, there no worry to park our car if the parking lot full.Just put in side our hand bag (for women)..wallet / pocket (for men).
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
5:59 PM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
~ Beware of BL-5C Nokia batteries ~
2day nothing much to do, but i found this from one of the blogger Rano and also Media Permata regaring the Nokia Battery, "Dear Nokia Customer,This is a product advisory for the Nokia-branded BL-5C battery manufactured by Matsushita Battery Industrial Co. Ltd. of Japan between December 2005 and November 2006. This product advisory does not apply to any other Nokia battery..."find out more on click here.Which according to the website there has been 100 reported cases of overheating but no serious injury or property damage as yet.When i try to key in my 26 battery identification number on the back of my handphone, i battery was not the original.Now i know since i using my handphone, after i recharge my battery, the battery become to hot.Very upsad.. : (
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
5:36 PM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
~ Nike Transformer ~
Here the new Nike's Transformer. If new brand of Nike shoes will also same as above.do you buy it?for me, i will buy it for collection..
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
5:30 PM
~ Pernikahan Ina Naim & Suhaimi ~
Gambar2 Ina yang ada diatas,saya dapat dari salah sorg kawan thru email.Hope sesiapa yang belum tengok-tengok gambar Ina inilah dia gambar nya..
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
5:15 PM
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
~ Renungan kita bersama ~
Renungkanlah sedalam-dalamnya...................
Jodoh tiada kaitan dengan keturunan. Hanya belum sampai masanya. Ia
bagai menanti jambatan untuk ke seberang. Kalau panjang jambatannya
jauhlah perjalanan kita. Ada org jodohnya cepat sebab jambatannya
singkat. Usia 25 tahun rasanya belumlah terlalu lewat. Dan usia 35
tahun belum apa2 kalau sepanjang usia itu telah digunakan untuk
membina kecemerlangan. Nyatakanlah perasaan dan keinginan anda itu
dalam doa2 lewat sembahyang. Allah mendengar.
Wanita baik untuk lelaki yang baik, sebaliknya wanita jahat untuk
lelaki yang jahat. Biar lambat jodoh asalkan mendapat Mr Right dan
biar seorang diri drpd menjadi mangsa lelaki yang tidak beriman
kemudian nanti.
Memang kita mudah ter silap mentafsir kehidupan ini. Kita selalu
sangka, aku pasti bahagia kalau mendapat ini. Hakikatnya, apabila kita
benar2 mendapat apa yang kita inginkan itu, ia juga dtg bersama
Kita selalu melihat org memandu kereta mewah dan terdetiklah di hati
kita, bahagianya org itu. Hakikatnya apabila kita sendiri telah
memiliki kereta mewah kita ditimpa pelbagai kerenah. Tidak mustahil
pula org yang memandu kereta mewah(walaupun sebenarnya tak mewah)
terpaksa membayar lebih tatkala berhenti untuk membeli durian di tepi
jalan. Orang lain membeli dengan harga biasa, dia terpaksa membayar
berlipat ganda.
Ketika anda terperangkap dalam kesesakan jalan raya, motosikal
mencelah-celah hingga mampu berada jauh di hadapan. Anda pun mengeluh,
alangkah baiknya kalau aku hanya menunggang sebuah motosikal seperti
itu dan cepat sampai ke tempat yang dituju. Padahal si penunggang
motosikal mungkin sedang memikirkan bilakah dia akan memandu kereta di
tgh2 bandar raya.
Bukan semua yang anda sangka membahagiakan itu benar2 membahagiakan.
Bahagianya mungkin ada tapi deritanya juga datang sama. Semua benda,
pasti ada baik buruknya.
Demikian juga perkahwinan. Ia baik sebab ia dibenarkan oleh agama,
sunnah Nabi, sebagai saluran yang betul untuk melepaskan shahwat di
samping membina sahsiah dan sebagainya, tapi ia juga buruk sebab ramai
org yang berkahwin hidupnya semakin tidak terurus.
Ramai orang menempah neraka sebaik sahaja melangkahkan kaki ke alam
berumahtangga. Bukankah dengan ijab dan Kabul selain menghalalkan
hubungan kelamin, tanggungjawab yang terpaksa dipikul juga turut
banyak? Bukankah apabila anda gagal melaksanakannya, anda membina dosa
seterusnya jambatan ke neraka?
Berapa ramaikah yang menyesali perkahwinan masing2 padahal dahulunya
mereka bermati-matian membina janji, memupuk cinta kasih malah ada
yang sanggup berkorban apa sahaja asalkan segala impian menjadi nyata?
Jika tidak sanggup untuk bergelar isteri tidak usah berkahwin dulu.
Jika merasakan diri belum cukup ilmu untuk bergelar ibu ataupun ayah,
belajarlah dulu. Jika rasa2 belum bersedia untuk bersabar dgn kerenah
anak2, carilah dulu kesabaran itu. Jangan berkahwin dahulu sebab
kenyataannya ramai yang tidak bersedia untuk melangkah tetapi telah
melompat, akhirnya jatuh terjerumus dan tidak jumpa akar berpaut
tatkala cuba mendaki naik.
Berkahwin itu indah dan nikmat bagi yang benar2 mengerti tuntutan2nya.
Berkahwin itu menjanjikan pahala tidak putus2 bagi yang menjadikannya
gelanggang untuk mengukuhkan iman, mencintai Tuhan dan menjadikan
syurga sebagai matlamat. Berkahwin itu semp adan dari ketidaksempurnaan
insan kepada kesempurnaan insan - bagi yang mengetahui rahsia2nya.
Berkahwinlah anda demi Tuhan dan Nabi-Nya, bukan berkahwin kerana
perasaan dan mengikut kebiasaan. Jodoh usah terlalu dirisaukan, tiba
masanya ia akan datang menjemput, namun perlu juga anda membuka
lorong2nya agar jemputan itu mudah sampai dan tidak terhalang. "
Seorang teman pernah berpesan..
"Kadang2 Allah sembunyikan matahari..
Dia datangkan petir dan kilat..
kita menangis dan tertanya-tanya,
kemana hilangnya sinar..
Rupa2nya.. Allah nak hadiahkan kita pelangi.." "
`Cinta yang disemadikan tidak mungkin layu selagi adanya imbas
kembali. Hati yang remuk kembali kukuh selagi ketenangan dikecapi.
Jiwa yang pasrah bertukar haluan selagi esok masih ada. Parut yang
lama pastikan sembuh selagi iman terselit didada...`
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
5:28 PM
Monday, August 20, 2007
~ Pesanan Semasa Mendengar Azan... ~
Kematian itu pasti menjelma. Hanya masa dan waktunya yang tidak kita ketahui. Cuba kita amati. Mengapa kebanyakan orang yang nazak, hampir ajal tidak dapat berkata apa-apa.... lidahnya kelu, keras dan hanya mimik mukanya yang menahan kesakitan 'sakaratul maut'.
Diriwayatkan sebuah hadis yg bermaksud: "Hendaklah kamu mendiamkan diri ketika azan, jika tidak Allah akan kelukan lidahnya ketika maut menghampirinya. "Ini jelas menunjukkan, kita disarankan agar mendiamkan diri, jangan berkata apa-apa pun semasa azan berkumandang.
Sebagai orang beragama Islam kita wajib menghormati azan. Banyak fadhilatnya. Jika lagu kebangsaan kita diajar agar berdiri tegak dan diamkan diri. Mengapa ketika azan kita tidak boleh mendiamkan diri? Lantas sesiapa yang berkata-kata ketika azan, Allah akan kelukan lidahnya ketika nazak .
Kita takut dengan kelunya lidah kita semasa ajal hampir tiba maka kita tidak dapat mengucap kalimah "Lailahaillallah. ." yang mana sesiapa yang dapat mengucapkan kalimah ini ketika nyawanya akan dicabut Allah dgn izinNya menjanjikan syurga untuk mereka.
Dari itu marilah kita sama-sama menghormati azan dan mohon kepada Allah supaya lidah ini tidak kelu semasa nyawa kita sedang dicabut. "Ya Allah! Anugerahkanlah kematian kami dengan kematian yang baik lagi mulia, lancarkan lidah kami mengucap kalimah "Lailahaillallah. ." semasa sakaratul maut menghampiri kami.
Amin..amin.. amin Yarobbal a'lamin.."
**Kita sebagai kaum muslimin, hormatilah Azan.Hmm tpi kkadang kita terlalai hingga tak putus2 bercakap semasa Azan, betul tak? Mulai hari ini baru lah kita sedar akan kesalahan kita.Jadi kekawan di luar sana, sentiasa lah menghormati Azan tak kira di mana kita berada.Kalau ada kawan kita yg sedang asyik bercerita tegurlah mereka atau kalau dia tak mahu diam, GAM mulut nya haha thanks who email to me about this..
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
5:25 PM
Friday, August 17, 2007
~ friday work ~
I really very bz today..hmm a lot work need to updated and i need to look clear on my table..see how look my table..hmmm..dis day was really bz and also i really tired today. Sometime its blur to see both pc but wat to do this is my job..oh ya,da redz like bottle was my favourite plastic glass from Nescafe cos nearly everyday i drink nescafe. +
yes...t'row was holiday.so maybe i can sleep well tonight.today also i only surfing for AnakBrunei and Rano. No time to surfing any website today.
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
11:32 AM
Thursday, August 16, 2007
~ Rush Hour 3 ~
wei..here another top movie Rush Hour3. i still planing when i will go to watch dis movie. I heard in this film there's funny part, so will wait until i watch when i free. But if no time, i just watch from one of my favourite website Movie Nabolister. I found this website from my fren, there's a lot updated movie and also the previous movie.So anyone who no time to watch at movie or cd, just go to this webiste.,
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
5:08 PM
Thursday, August 9, 2007
~ u already watch Love is Cinta movie? ~
wei, everyone good news.Don't worry, if u wanna to watch the Love Is Cinta movie you can watch its from YouTube so don't forget to watch it.Hmmm i also waiting to watch another movie Rush Hour 3.I wonder maybe tomorrow all cinema will fully book because of this movie hehe And also "Israk Mikraj" to all Muslim people and happy weekend. And also i will start working this Tuesday, yahooo 3days off keke Anyway today so far i found 2 blog regarding Jahit Manik which very cheap Cathy and also Mona Collections. I wonder which one i wanna send my baju kebaya..hmmm...
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
5:30 PM
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
~ my birthday was 2day ~
Happy birthday to my self hehe Anyway thanks to all my fren who give the greeting thru Msn or Friendster. And also i really really suprise when i look on our whiteboard at office (as below picture) who create very big greeting and its awesome. Even in my computer (2nd picture below) they put birthday picture on my desktop.
~ on whiteboard at office ~
~ on my desktop of computer(but i never 4get to browse my fav.website Rano, AnakBrunei, Simpur@BN) ~
Thank you everyone my fren who try they best to create creative greeting on the whiteboard.I really appreciate on it.
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
5:32 PM
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
~ tuesday_my sight was blurr ~
Ooohhh my sight become more blur due my eye look like swollen. Now already 2days i have this problem..but some how i can play the online game The Impossible Quiz hehe on yesterdy i post. I like that game,its test our IQ. So far today my work very quite so i have time to play game to release stress keke now i need to find any picture on the 04th August 2007 due i interesting one of the kereta berhias on dat night. Some picture i already check on Rano webiste. Actually on dat night i not going to bandar cos ll road was stuck so i went to The Mall..fuhyooo dat night many people on that area and the interesting thing was there's was a The Seventh Fleet Band Navy Musicians,a lot people watch them doing the live band..wow really great.
Above was one of my favourite video Shin Chan some of this video i will download to my hp so easy for me to watch every where i go hehe i like to watch.To whom like to watch this shin chan video, u can watch on YouTube.
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
5:35 PM
Labels: shin chan
Monday, August 6, 2007
~ games ~
yap yap..wanna play game?if you really boring try this games maybe make ur less stress.. The Impossible Quiz i found this games and i try it.hmm some i have diffculty to find the answer but i finally get the answer when i keep on try try to search the real answer. Wanna try? Just click here : The Impossible Quiz
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
5:17 PM
~ Simpur Blog ~
Finally, i received email from Dst regarding that my website already on their Bruniean Blogs Directory list.yes yes..actually i waiting dis since last week hehe..finally my blog was on the list Blogging Nation And since i started i created this blog, now i have noticed that my blogger background colour was nearly same like Blogging Nation i didn't realize that before this.anyway tq BN
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
3:39 PM
~ WondeRing for DST customer ~
Have anyone already try to subscribe the WondeRing Personalised Ringback tones on prepaid services? Cause before only for Prima can use this services, now the good news Prepaid customer also can subscriber this services.I have try to subscribe it which only just dial 123 (da charge was 50cents perminutes) then when SMS from WondeRing was forwarded to our handphone then we need to dial back 123 to key in the 6digit code number ringtone which we needed.Then its finished. So when ever there's someone call us, they hear our favourite song, no more da old tone hehe..i love it...check it out da ringback tone at WondeRing
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
12:17 PM
~ Wa'ie ~
updated picture haha its cute rite? now he become fatter already and heavy.I cannot carry him for long cos very heavy. Now i waiting his two new teeth on the top, it seem like very big tooth than the bottom teeth. And also he like to bite anything he get.
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
12:12 PM
Labels: baby
~ 24/07/2007 in Brunei ~
Here i get this picture from one of my friends who email to me. Do you still remember what happen on 24th July 2007? There's heavy rain and also many banner,tree,lamp post was destroy..Above picture was taken on the same day..
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
12:04 PM
Thursday, August 2, 2007
~take a shot~
See da above picture? this is how to take best picture keke just joke..dis picture was taken from one of my fren. but its look nice on dis picture,i like this due it look like one of the advertising picture. And also one of my picture was advertised on one of Brunei book company (clue: directory)hehe
Posted by
~Mummy Wina~
4:33 PM